
On the export page you can do some XLS or CSV exports from the database. There are 3 types of exports you can do - model, e-mail export of all users and custom (which is really your own custom export function). You can add new export cases in the exportables array in config/hotcoffee.php.

Say you want to export all the products.

'exportables' => [

			'App\Products' => [ // Model name
						'name'      => 'Export products', // Text for the <option> in the <select> field
						'type'      => 'model', // Type (if you want to export a whole table (or all models) type should be "model"
						'fields'    => ['name', 'email', 'created_at'], // Which fields to export
						'file_name' => 'user_list', // Name of exported file
						'file_type' => 'xls', // File type (xls or csv)


Sometimes you may need to alter the collection before exporting. You can use the type custom to create your own custom export case.

'exportables' => [

			'custom_case' => [
						'name'      => 'custom', // Text for the <option> in the <select> field
						'type'      => 'custom', // Type
						'case'      => 'my_custom_export', // Case
						'file_name' => 'custom', // Name for exported file
						'file_type' => 'xls', // File type (xls or csv)

Next open app\Http\Controllers\Admin\CustomExportController.php and add your case in the collection() method:

public function collection() {   
        switch ($this->export) {
                case 'my_custom_export':
                        // Your code here
                        return Product::select('id', 'name', 'price')->get();

Exporting is possible thanks to the Maatwebsite/Laravel-Excel. You can find the full documentation here.

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