Adding Settings

You can easily add more settings fields in config/hotcoffee/settings.php. However you will need to first publish this configuration file:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=hotcoffee_config_settings

Inside of the "fields" array you can specify new sections and fields in those sections:

Say you want to create a new group (or section) of settings in the admin panel:

'My New Section' => [ // Text for the header 
    // Your fields here

Each array inside represents a field:

    'name'          => 'my_setting',
    'label'         => 'My Setting',
    'field_type'    => 'text',
    'icon'          => 'ni ni-email-83',
    'info_text'     => 'This is my new setting.',
    'required'      => true,
    'content'       => null
  • name Keyword. The value of this setting will be called with settings('my_setting').

  • label The label for the field.

  • field_type The type of the field. Can be text, textarea, number, checkbox, radio, select and toggle.

  • icon Icon code for the field.

  • info_text This text will appear bellow the field. Use it to explain where/how the setting is used.

  • required If true, required attribute will be added to the generated field.

  • content Only needs to be declared when the field_type is one of checkbox, radio, select or toggle. Can be a string (for "toggle" and "checkbox") or array (for "radio" and "select).

    • If the field_type is "select", then you can use the content to define the available options in the list (value and text of the option field).

    • If field_type is "radio", then you can use the content to describe the label and value of each radio input.

    • If field_type is "toggle", then you can use the content to declare the value of the input field.

    • If field_type is "checkbox", then you can use the content to declare the value of the input field.

    // For field_type => 'select'
    'content'  => [
        'value_1'   => 'First option',
        'value_2'   => 'Second option'
    // For field_type => 'radio'
    'content'  => [
            'label'    => 'First option',
            'value'    => 1
            'label'    => 'Second option',
            'value'    => 2
    // For field_type => 'toggle' or 'checkbox'
    'content' => 'active',

Here is a full example for a new field in settings:

// config/hotcoffee/settings.php

'fields'  => [
    // Some section
    'My New Section' => [
        // My custom setting
            'name'          => 'my_setting',
            'label'         => 'My Setting',
            'field_type'    => 'select',
            'icon'          => 'ni ni-email-83',
            'info_text'     => 'This is my new setting.',
            'required'      => true,
            'content'       => [
                'value_1'   => 'This is value 1',
                'value_2'   => 'This is value 2'
        ] // End custom setting
    ], // end "some section"

This will be the HTML output in the template:

<div class="col-md-12 form-header text-uppercase">
    Section name / header text

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-12">
        <div class="form-group focused">
            <label class="form-control-label" for="input-my_setting">
                My Setting
                <span class="text-danger">*</span>  
                <small class="text-primary">setting('my_setting')</small>
            <select id="input-my_setting" class="form-control form-control-alternative no-border-radius" name="my_setting">
                <option value="value_1">This is value 1</option>
                <option value="value_2">This is value 2</option>
    <div class="col-lg-12 info-div">
        This is my new setting.

And what you see in Settings:

All the settings are stored in storage/app/settings.json.

Need to easily store some values in a json file? Check this package

Last updated